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Wednesday, June 22, 2005 

The wicked witch of the north!

Destiny it seems had already scripted my afternoon! Just as I finished snapping the giant peanut tree, and was waiting for a new cab, a dust storm began to gather. The whirling wind began to scatter the loose leaves, dust and paper lying around. The skies began to take on a menacing greyish hue. It was then that i spotted by chance the infamous wicked witch of the north gliding onto one of the top branches of the giant peanut tree. She almost instaneously disappeared into a flash of light that scared the daylights out of a tiny squirrel nestling thereabout. Luckily my Lumix was quicker than the eye!


Hey nice pictures! I like your descriptions too. They go along with the pictures very well.

One suggestion with the pictures is (if you are not too averse with post processing) is you can increase the contrast a little bit. Also, you need to tinker with the size of the pictures or modify the template since they seem to jut out beyond the border.

did u take the snap?

anyways whoever took the snap, good working with the focus - blurring out the background just that little bit. The sepia came out well.. could have done better with hiding the hook and string behind the head though.

The soft focusing was a fortunate accident I guess :). Helga (the name my sister has given to the witch) used to hang in my living room wall (was forced to vacate quarters yesterday by Escher's "Reptile" which looks amazingly grand!). The sepia tone seems to add to tha aura of the described duststorm. As you said, should have rubbed out the thread by which Helga hangs before posting.

while shifting my images from flickr to blogger itself, i also removed the thread helga was suspended by :)

all - the witch's name is matilda, not helga. she now resides in a dusty carboard box, and will do so till such time as a handsome prince rescues her and frees her from the curse..

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