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Friday, April 07, 2006 

Just minding my business...

The other day I had almost drifted into a slumber when my sister jabs me awake. "There is an interesting insect on my room wall", she cried, and beckoned me to follow her. I wasn't sure if her adoration was true, or whether she just required my service to drive it away, but I ambled along behind her. I was expecting to find a flashy, led powered beetle whizzing around in her room, but it wasn't so. In fact the thing was practically invisible and had to be pointed out to me. Upon closer examination, the insect did turn out to be interesting, cute even. I spent a few minutes, clicking it up from every angle, and it cooperated beautifully, not minding one bit even though the lens was virtually prodding it all the time. When I later saw the images on my system I was convinced that my camera is indeed blessed with fabulous macro capabilities - the insect was practically only a centimeter and a half in length! Satisfied with my capture, I tumbled back into my bed. A while later I swear a I could hear my sister talking to the insect, congratulating it on it's two minutes of fame.

Nice shot

Beautiful capture Sidd.

- Kanchana

awesome !!

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